Saturday 19 April 2014

Rose again

It appears that I have bronchitis.  I am rarely ill, so where better to become ill than whilst on 'holiday' on the other side of the world? My brother-in-law bought me this amazing stuff called DayQuil, which suppressed the pain but not the cough or the glorious yellow phlegm.  (Phlegm - what a great word eh?)  I drugged up on DayQuil this afternoon and felt a bit brighter.  I also had another long sleep, before I rose again.

My sister gave me some NightQuil just now, which is the night equivalent of DayQuil, as you may have guessed; therefore I am not able to operate heavy machinery right now, so my plans to do a spot of tree felling with a chainsaw, to do a quick circuit of Fairfax in a tractor and to find a field to harvest in my combine harvester, have been put on hold.  For now.

Tonight is my final night in the US.  I have packed my bag.  We are all off to church in the morning, where my sister is conducting a handbell choir - yet another of her musical accomplishments.  I shall then say goodbye and 'au revoir' to the family, before heading to the airport.  I'm taking a ferry, then some kind soul called Bart is going to take me to the airport.  We spoke tonight and it's all good.

It is Easter Day tomorrow - Jesus is getting ready to rise again.  I wonder how this is affected by time differences? A Happy Easter to those of you to whom Easter means something - whether it's Jesus-based or chocolate-based, may it be a happy time.

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