Sunday 13 April 2014

Brand new material

I've been doing stand-up now for about a year.  My first gig was in Antigua, Guatemala, where almost no-one understood what I was saying, so all in all, a good gig.  Today I've noticed that there's an open mic night at a bar very close to where my sister lives, so I shall endeavour to be there on Monday night!

Anyway - there was a reason for opening with this - let me just remember what it was.

Ah yes.

A lot of comedians say that they are doing 'brand new material'.  What does that actually mean? Does it mean, I'm not churning out the usual rubbish? Or does it mean that it's rare that new material is written? Not sure.  Maybe it means, this material isn't definitely funny, so if no-one laughs, then that's the reason - it was new material, therefore not necessarily remotely amusing.

Where did I get to? I was about to board the flight to San Francisco when I last blogged.  The US security took a long time, as expected, but I made some friends in the queue.  I was staggered when the security agent asked me if I had any baggage - I said that it was already on the plane - and she pointed at a screen and said 'is that your bag'? She indeed had a photo of my trusty obese-tortoise style orange rucksack! If I'd have known it was going to be photographed, I'd have tidied it up a bit.

Technology eh? It has its uses.  I can't help wondering how different life might have been.  Adam and Eve never flew anywhere.  Nor did Paul - how different things might have been if he could have e-mailed those Galatians, Colossians, Timothy, James, Thessalonians and all the others.  I bet he was glad that Royal Mail wasn't privatised then.

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