The three of us - ok, perhaps there was only me - clambered about the first flight, Vancouver-bound. I slept, ate, slept, wrote and chatted to the South African lady next to me who was on her way home to Canada. I read my way through the Saturday Guardian, half of which was about fashion - disappointing if you ask me.
Eventually, 17 hours after leaving Buckingham Gate; after a train, a walk, a meeting, a lengthy circumnavigation of Green Park, due to eighteen million people standing outside Buckingham Palace and a plethora of marching bands blocking the usual route, a Tube ride, a plane to Vancouver, a plane to San Francisco, an air coach to Larkspur (allegedly over the Golden Gate Bridge, which I can't vouch for because I was sound askeep) and a car journey, I arrived chez Montgomery.
Fast forward to this morning and I donned my christening outfit, complete with heels - yes, really - which hadn't been out since they were worn when I was my sister's bridesmaid in August 2012. I was told that Converse wouldn't really have looked right with that bridesmaid's dress
My sister is Choir Director at their church; she conducted the choir in their deep blue cassocks, whilst Isaac the baby burbled endearingly. His delightful godparents performed during the service, all singing as they so beautifully do. I met all sorts of people I am sort-of related to somehow and many of Ro's friends.
The pastor delivered a sermon, then challenged the congregation to respond quite literally - i.e. asking them what they thought. People actually put their hands up with their thoughts on what had been said; not one or two people - about 10 people. It's a interesting way of doing things. I equated it to me delivering a training, then saying, 'right, what exactly did you make of that then?' It's one thing to comment on an evaluation form; it's quite another to say it to the person directly.
Afterwards, I went to a nearby quirky organic cafe after with new friends; it was awash with herbs I've never heard of, organically grown just-about-anything and all sorts of things one can exist quite happily without knowing about.
Like the spin on the title of this post ....