Tuesday 8 August 2023

Episode 6 - Just popping to Costa

I scanned my boarding pass at Los Angeles terminal 6, to which my sister had very kindly driven me, after tearful goodbyes first thing this morning.   

'Mehhhh', said the scanner.  It put up the words 'Caution - exit row'.

The staff member looked straight at me -
'Maam - you are seated in an exit row by an emergency exit.  Are you willing and able to assist if required?'
Oh goodness, I thought - what is the right answer here?
'Do I get a badge?'
'No Maam - there is no badge available'.
'Do I have to wear a uniform?'

She looked me up and down.  I'm in my adventurer kit today with my magic travel shirt with all sorts of quirky features, including a secret internal passport pocket (which is less secret now).  Plus I have my travelly trousers with an abundance of zippy pockets.  You can't go wrong with loads of pockets.     
'No Maam, your current attire will be sufficient'.
Phew, I thought.    

'So I really just sit by the window & pray a lot?'
'Yes Maam'.
I'd already missed my boarding group due to being engrossed in my Stacey Dooley book which I have now finished - wow, what a disturbing read - more on that story later - then people started mumbling that I was delaying them.
'Well, ok then'.
'If you change your mind Maam, the crew will find you another seat'. 
Considering that the flight is one-hundred percent full, I'd be interested to know where they would have put me if I had said no. Probably on the wing.  I'm not sitting there again.  
A flight attendant came to confirm that myself and the two randoms in my row were all still willing and able.  I was by the window, so I would have played the most important role, just to clarify, they were just making up the numbers really.  

Five minutes later, another flight attendant came along - 'Miss Beecher?' Oh goodness, they've had second thoughts about me being suitably attired, I thought.  


'Maam, your entertainment system is not working'.

I know people who would have left the plane in protest at this disclosure.  Not me though:

'That's ok, I've nearly finished my Stacey Dooley book and then I'm going to start on my time management book'.

'Ok Maam, but it is our policy to compensate you'.  

They're going to give me a badge, or even a uniform, I thought. 

'Maam, I am giving you a $50 voucher towards your next flight with us'.

How could I break it to him that I only booked these flights because Booking.com gives a relatively large donation (4%, once it evolves, in about 2053) on easyfundraising (the fundraising goes on...) and that I hadn't even chosen this airline?

I couldn't.  

'Thank you - that's very kind', I affirmed.  

I flew to Houston then changed terminals via a quirky Sky train - the train in the sky.  

On my second flight, I was not asked to (wo)man an emergency exit row, but I tried not to overthink it.  The kindly lady who scanned my boarding pass looked at my passport photo, then at me, then at my photo, then at me -

'Awkwardly, I do look like an angry moomin in that picture', I confirmed.  She nodded.  

'Have a nice day Maam'.

I boarded and found that I had three whole seats to myself.  I buried myself in my time management book - I ticked an entire checklist in the first part, which I thought was a good thing, until I read, 'if you have ticked all of these, you have poor time management'.  Oh.  Here's me thinking that ticking all the boxes is a good thing.  

Just behind me, to the right, were two older ladies.  They were wearing matching t-shirts with a big picture of a mountain and wording around it.  I couldn't read the wording but I think they may have been holy sisters from a religious order as it said something about being the Holy Order of Travellers, or something.  I would have liked to have chatted to them but it didn't evolve, hence I am nun the wiser.  

I had booked an airport transfer due to arriving in a new country, at night.  Whilst I couldn't find the driver initially, a placard bearing the words 'Helen Beecher' awaited and here I am in Costa Rica.  I speak enough Spanish to be able to ask for directions, although I rarely understand the answers, and to order beer.  What could possibly go wrong?  

I'm sitting by a moonlight pool in San José, sipping una cerveza.  I've upgraded a bit since my early back-packing days, where I would happily share a dormitory with eleven strangers.  These days I book my own room with a bathroom and everything.

The people on reception were very friendly, although they don't seem to know the answer to my transport question for tomorrow and suggested that I look online.  Great local knowledge team! Apparently there are four different bus stations in San José for four different directions.  Which bus station is which seems somewhat ambiguous, but I'm sure I'll make some friends to help me find the right bus.


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