Sunday 7 December 2014

The nearest Coke lids are in Guyana

I've had a few enquiries about yesterday's grapefruit.  As with much of my writing, the title was more captivating than the actuality of what happened.  I really like the occasional grapefruit; where better to savour one than in the sunny climes of this beautiful island, Barbados? That was the aim, but it disagreed and things became messy.

Enough about all that.  Yesterday was Zippy's final day with us, so in true adventurous style, we drove her all the way to the top of the island, to a place called St Lucy, via Holetown and Speightstown.  I was variously driving and failing to navigate.  Sometimes I would look at the map. without actually reading it; that's a problem.  At one point, I lost the sea.  The conversation went like this:

'Where's the sea gone?'
'It's that side!'
'But it was the other side just now!'
'We're on an island - it's on every side!'

St Lucy is the northern-most part of the island and there is a cave they call 'Animal Flower Cave'; a natural lagoon created by the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean merging together.  I didn't fancy going into an underground cave, instead preferring to watch stupendously powerful waves crashing onto the rocks beneath with such graceful strength.  The juxtaposition of power and beauty created a staggering impact on the landscape.  

In other news, I have today sold a snowman and a 'paint your own' tea-set.  There is just a tiny bit of fundraising left to do for the recent Guide trip to Iceland, hence an abundance of items on eBay and six bags of CDs awaiting online re-sale to those delightful people at Music Magpie, Ziffit and We Buy Books; we are fundraising in partnership with the delightful people at 2gether shop in Chislehurst.  If you want to get rid of your CD collection, let me know, and I shall take it off your hands with pleasure.  Likewise, postage stamps - Christmas is coming - and that means: postage stamps.  If you are so inclined, cut used stamps off  the envelopes, divide them into two categories - 'UK' and 'all other', then next time you see them, give them to me! Or perhaps you have a few items you want to get rid of, which I could eBay - let me know! Storage space is nil though - my room, which is also my office, my living space, my wardrobe, my work space, already looks like a cross between a left luggage office, a junk-shop and a scrap-yard, so send me pictures and descriptions of large items.  

I was about to go off on a hunt to find a Coke lid; if you know me, you will know that I collect these from wherever I go in the world, with a view to eventually doing something useful with them, when I get round to it.  They have the name of the country where they are bottled printed on the side, making them unique little keepsakes.  I was about to go exploring, when I got chatting to Carol on reception, who informed me that the nearest Coke lids are in Guyana, which is 4-hours away, at the top of South America.  Ho hum.

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