Monday 8 December 2014

It seems impossible, until it's done

Today was my last full day on this beautiful island.  A land where the searing heat dictates the chilled pace of life; where the people are warm and want you to love their island.  

I spent much of the day swimming, which is not something I usually make time to do.  The Caribbean Sea on the south-west coast is the most glorious, clear water I have seen.  You can't be in there for long, as the sun will cook you, but bobbing around in clear, untainted water, enables plenty of time to think, reflect and unwind.

I have had an interesting few months, since my work situation changed dramatically overnight in mid-September, due to circumstances which could not have been foreseen.  I have been challenged like never before, dealt with things I never expected to be dealing with and learnt a huge amount about myself - how I operate, how to work with and manage others; how I connect with people; how to negotiate; how to deliver that which seems impossible.  I've made mistakes of course - but I draw on that phrase - 'whoever never made a mistake, never made anything'.  

Consider where your strength comes from and draw on that.  Mine comes from my faith and the people around me.  Draw strength from that which drives you. 

Life is all about learning by doing; embracing the experience; using your contacts and making new ones; drawing on your skills, or finding ways of using and developing the skills of others to achieve what is needed; make contacts; grow those contacts; learn from others; grow; develop as an individual.  Self-confidence is key - if you don't think you can do something, then of course you can't.  But believe that you can do it, and you can.      

Life is short - and precious.  Be real about it - embrace how you feel.  Strive to achieve what you want to achieve.  Follow your dreams.

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