Today was my final day en famille and I write to you now from Los Angeles International Airport where I'm awaiting my flight to a further few days of adventure.
I had a happy half hour this morning where my brother-in-law let me try his virtual reality headset. I had to ward off angry flying cubes aiming for my head, with giant lightsabers, in time to music. I found this very difficult and after perishing multiple times over, he kindly put it onto a mode which meant I could not perish. It's at times like this that I realise that hobbies different to my own are available. The closest I get to virtual reality is, well, watching Click where Spenley, Lara and the team fill me in on the latest advances in tech, most of which I can appreciate, but happily live without. It was a bit like that.
My sister lovingly prepared spider-web shaped waffles for breakfast, with delicious strawberries and blackberries, plus I enjoyed a chocolate orange flavoured coffee thanks to my brother-in-law's epic coffee machine which wouldn't look out of place in Costa.
I loaded up my giant orange tortoise once again and after I had said goodbye to SAGE the very advanced dog, two cornsnakes, two fish and an Argentinian tegu, we bundled into Hermione the Tesla; it's very important to always name things.
We went to a local shopping mall and I watched my niece do exactly what I do - make friends with complete strangers, which was endearing. We browsed in several shops and my sister purchased shoes for the children - my niece's shoes smell like strawberries! Honestly, who thinks these things up?!
We had lunch at a quirky pizza place where we were able to build every aspect of our own pizza, which was good fun and a lovely final meal together. After wandering around a little more, I was introduced to bubble tea, which has been on my list of things to try for ages, but an opportunity had not presented itself, until now. Well, I still don't quite understand what it is, but it is delicious - it consists of cold tea with tiny yummy beads of tapioca which - googles quickly - are made of tapioca starch which comes from the cassava root. Who knew? There is a bubble tea place in Plumstead High Street which I walk past multiple times each week - next time I shall pop in and order myself a bubble tea. You should do the same.
Well, here endeth the first part of this adventure and it's time for the next part. I said a tearful farewell to the only two people in the world to whom I am Auntie Helen - 'why are you crying Arnie Helen?' questioned my 4-year-old niece. Since then I've been catching up with various administrative bits and bobs, hoping that my lift from the next airport has received my flight details - here's hoping. Tomorrow's blog will reveal all.
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